The Basics
The More

iCatalyst ® is designed to get to where you need to go in two clicks – three at the most. Patterned after the Outlook navigation tree,
the path to information is intuitive and easy – and customizable to the way you do business. Roles and rules based, users see
only what they have access to, and can do only what they are authorized to do. Changing roles or giving authority is a simple
administrative task.
The ribbon bar is strongly reminiscent of Microsoft Office: it is dynamic, changing based on the functional area being accessed
(underwriting, claims, administration, etc). It has common buttons, such as reports and search, but most are functional area specific.
Every ‘project’ has its own tab. Users can have multiple projects open at one time, quickly moving from tab to tab (just like Excel).
When the next phone call comes in, the user simply opens a new tab.
iCatalyst ® offers a self-contained document management system.
While it is capable of interfacing with external systems such as
ImageWrite, our sense is that most companies in our market would
prefer not to incur the cost nor do they need the functionality of such
systems. All documents and communications generated within
iCatalyst ® are created, executed and stored within the system,
easily retrievable using the ‘two click’ philosophy.
Forms are maintained in two categories – those that must be version
controlled, such as policy documents, and those documents,
such as form letters and notes, that do not. Whether a document
is version controlled or not is determined by the administrator,
and easily modified. Documents are stored using Microsoft Word.
Non-version controlled documents may be simply edited and saved.
The edited version is retrieved from that point forward.
Controlled documents are edited in the same way, but require
information to determine when they are effective and if they are to be
part of a document ‘package’.
Documents received from external parties are easily filed either
through the ‘drag and drop’ features, or through integration
with a scanning system. Large files may be transferred over the
internet using a third third-party.
© Echo Ridge Partners, LLC 1.800.344.5090 2018 All Rights Reserved