Echo Ridge Partner's have exceptional experience in software implementation and integration and highly specific and relevent
experience within the insurance industry. The company is keenly aware of three areas of needs for many insurance companies,
which we describe below:
Companies who are migrating from home-grown or partial-functionality system solutions, like ACT! or FoxPro often find it
very difficult to migrate to a new system because their data is incomplete or inaccurate. Echo Ridge Partners not only has
developed a highly sophisticated set of tools for extracting data from a variety of sources (spreadsheets, simple databases,
and so forth), but we can also set up processes and tools to help correct data and populate incomplete fields.
Most companies don’t have the internal wherewithal to define what they need in a way that a software company can adequately
respond to. Echo Ridge Partners process includes this two to three week process, with a resulting document that can be used
to support an RFP if desired. The document not only produces sufficient detail to discriminate between vendors, it helps
the company know when a project is done. Done is a concept that few vendors put enough effort in to up front,
but that is what should be the basis of the ultimate cost.
The hardest part of any software implementation, the one that causes the most anxiety and the greatest conflict between
staff and vendor, is the conversion process from the old system to the new. Forewarned is forearmed – Echo Ridge Partners
have had extraordinary success in navigating these volatile waters, and can help Companies finish the installation
and implementation well.
© Echo Ridge Partners, LLC 1.800.344.5090 2018 All Rights Reserved