The Basics
The More

Integration with Outlook contacts is an integral part of the system. Having a single source for all contacts within the company,
controlled by the policy and claim system, ensures that all contact information will be accurate and accessible. Because it easily
integrates with Business Contact Management, a powerful Microsoft customer relationship manager, sales leads
and prospect tracking lends itself to a simple transition to quoting and policy issuance.
iCatalyst ® takes full advantage of its integration with Microsoft Outlook, and therefore its ability to manage communications
is one of its strongest features. Because it synchronizes with Outlook locally and in iCatalyst, users have the ability of exporting
important contacts, dates and tasks to their smart phone.
Emails – with contacts synchronized with Outlook, the capability to generate emails from anywhere in the world,
using the power and familiarity of that software, in an intuitive way: iCatalyst ® allows you to select the recipients
based on the client you’re working with, but you can add others as you need. The email is saved in both in Outlook
and iCatalyst ® never lost, never buried in someone’s computer, available to whomever needs to see it.
Calendar – consistent with our philosophy of not reinventing the wheel, all of the features of Outlook Calendar
are available to the user. Again, because it is synchronized, not only can important events and meetings be stored
locally and within iCatalyst ®, you can easily synchronize to your mobile phone.
Tasks and Alerts – a critical feature of any policy and claims management system, iCatalyst uses tasks and alerts
to send key notifications instantly – reserve or payment approvals, underwriting authorizations, key dates –
all are handled through Tasks and Alerts; not only will these be displayed and highlighted on each individual’s
dashboard, they will show up in Outlook, and able to be synchronized to your phone.
Notes – the ability to create a note is replete throughout iCatalyst. They can be shared, controlled, locked down,
appended to, emailed, printed. Notes document underwriting knowledge and reasoning, track litigation progress,
or simply document a conversation or a thought.
Fax and Print – while iCatalyst ® takes its cue from email and online capabilities, it can still move documents
and communications through fax and mail.
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