The following list represents frequently asked questions to both sales and support teams at Echo Ridge Partners:
▪ Do I need my own database server to run iCatalyst?
No, your database can reside locally, co-located or in the "cloud".
▪ How long does implementation take?
Typically, 4-9 months although you will be using the system in 60 days.
▪ Is iCatalyst a web application or a desktop application?
iCatalyst is a something of a hybrid. The interface a user works in is a fully featured Windows desktop application
that integrates with your desktop and other applications on your computer. However, it is installed and automatically
updated from the web. And your data and other services can reside anywhere; in the cloud, in your corporate IT center,
or on a completely stand-alone laptop for mobile work in areas without wireless access.
▪ What type of training is available for iCatalyst?
Echo Ridge Partners provides onsite and online training specialized for your specific needs. Weekly online training
is offered during the agile development process as well as end-user training once the implementation is complete.
This training will include step-by-step instructions and training guides.
▪ How do I know that, as a new company, Echo Ridge Partners will be around to support iCatalyst
in the long term?
Echo Ridge Partners is led by executives who have years in the software and insurance industry; the lead partner,
Roger Mills, has had four successful start-ups prior to Echo Ridge. We have a low cost structure and low overhead,
with proven contemporary software that is being enthusiastically received, and access to sufficient capital to not just
to maintain but to support our growth. Each partner knows what’s at stake, and has the savvy and discipline to live out
our commitments to our clients for many years to come.
▪ I’ve read about Agile, I’ve sifted through the sales pitch. How do I really know we’ll get what we need?
The easy answer is simply that our tools that support the AGILE/SCRUM project management methodology
allow the client to know at any point in time the status of their budget and their time. The more subtle answer is,
if you don’t trust us, you shouldn’t do business with us. We put a lot of time into your initial evaluation to give you
confidence in our integrity; that we’ll do what we say we’ll do. One of the reasons the three partners wanted to
work together is that we all have that same sense of character; and we have plenty of clients and peers
who will vouch for that. Frankly, there are a lot of companies with slick websites and slicker sales people,
but you will always have a partner of the company as the first point of contact. We call it top down accountability.
© Echo Ridge Partners, LLC 1.800.344.5090 2018 All Rights Reserved