The DData application is an
iCatalyst powered sub application that allows single query or spreadsheet driven queries
against the Social Security Administration's Death Master database.
This database, acquired seperately from NTIS,
holds death record information on 90 plus million deceased social security participants. DData runs against a Microsoft SQL
Server database. NTIS provides the Death Master data in a flat file format. ERP support personnel will assist DData licensees
with creating a SQL database for the DData application.
Queries can be run singulary by filters such as name, last location, date of birth or specifically by social security number:
Query response time is dependent on database machine but averages under 2 seconds. DData can be configured to run
in the background and email the results to the operator.
Queries can be run driven by a spreadsheet of names to check. Often this would be a spreadsheet of in-force policies.
The output file is also a spreadsheet which has the original row from the input spreadsheet and all the matches based on
specified search criteria. The output file can also be used as an input file for another run when further refining the search criteria.
The process can be paused at anytime and restarted. And like the singular query the results can be emailed to the operator(s)
to allow back-end processing. Queries can be filtered to check n% of full name, date of birth year or full date of birth and last,
death location and or zip code. Again query response time is dependent on database machine but averages under 2 seconds
per policy/query line.

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